Rehearsal Schedule

Dates for the 71st (2024/25) season

Spring 2025

Date Comments Repetoire
Monday 13th January Mahler Symphony No 2 – Play through
Monday 20th January Mahler Symphony No 2 – 1st & 2nd
Monday 27th January Mahler Symphony No 2 – 5th and 4th
Monday 3rd February Mahler Symphony No 2 – 2nd & 3rd
Monday 10th February Mahler Symphony No 2 – 1st and 3rd
Monday 17th February Half Term – No rehearsal
Monday 24th February Mahler Symphony No 2 – 5th and 4th
Monday 3rd March Mahler Symphony No 2 – sectional
Monday 10th March Mahler Symphony No 2 – 1st and 2nd
Monday 17th March Mahler Symphony No 2 – 5th and 3rd and 4th
Friday 21st March

Rehearsal at Chiswick School with Choir

Rehearsal starts at 7pm.


Mahler Symphony No 2 – Movement 5
Saturday 22nd March

Rehersal and Concert at Chiswick School

Arrive 2:30pm for rehearsal start at 3pm

Concert starts at 6pm.


Mahler Symphony No 2

Refreshments Instructions:

Week before:
Check stock of tea, coffee, cups and biscuits. Ask your fellow refreshments organisers for their contact details, if you are going to need to communicate during the week.
On the day:
Bring 2 pints of milk, plus additional supplies as necessary. Arrive as close to 7.00pm as possible and bring the table forward ready for use.

All the equipment is in the low cupboards to the right of the robing room. Half fill and plug in urn. Set at no.6 and switch on (the switch is on the side of the urn).

Once water has boiled, turn down to 2.5 and leave ready for interval. Make sure bowl and notice are conspicuous for donations.

During interval: fill tea-pots (2 /3 tea-bags in each pot) and supervise.
After rehearsal: clear away. Give cash to Olivia. If she isn’t present, take cash home and bring to the next rehearsal.